Family & friends, thank you for the continued love and support these past 10 days as reality is sinking in that he’s truly not coming home. Planning a funeral for the person you love most in this world while watching his children play happily in the other room and his daughter kicks you from inside your belly is hands down the most excruciating pain one can imagine. There is no “moving on” for me here, only learning how to deal with this level of heartache and pain. Trying to wipe my tears away quick enough before the kids see them and not break down in a sob every time Izzy says “How come dadda drank too much water and is diving forever?” Can you imagine having your 3 year old ask you that and trying to maintain your composure enough to answer it in a way you hope she might understand? I can.
I’m so unbelievably thankful to all of our family & friends who are here on the island with me, holding my hair back as I get sick to my stomach thinking about never seeing Brian again. Who are reminding me to take sips of water and eat bites of food when I can stomach it. Who are doing everything they can to help keep Izzy & Hudson happy and distracted. In all of this, I truly am just so thankful to everyone for the amount of love you’ve shown me during this. Thank you to all of you, truly.
Brian’s service will be on Saturday, June 2nd at 3PM at the Pearl Harbor Main Chapel (1601 Frederick St. JBPHH, HI 96860) Reception will follow at the Admirals Boathouse (57 Arizona Dr. HNL, HI 96861) next to restaurant 604. For anybody without base access, please meet at the Admirals Boathouse at 130PM and we have arranged duty vans to provide transportation on base and back to your car/reception site following the funeral. There is enough transportation for anybody who needs it, please just meet there at 130. If you’ll be late, please let me know so I can arrange alternate transportation for you. Please pass this message on as I know a number of you are concerned about how to get on base for the funeral. Please message me with any questions and I will make sure to answer them as soon as I can.
Again, thank you all for your support and I will see a number of you on Saturday.
